Your platform is in good hands with us

Platform hosting

We take care of the ongoing support of your platform: from hosting to operation and further development.

If you are unsure about the future home of your platform, we will be happy to assist you. Our platform hosting is optimized for the operation of online platforms.

We offer:

  • Server location Switzerland
  • Secure, dedicated and isolated servers and containers
  • High performance Docker infrastructure
  • Highly available system setup
  • Personal support
  • 100% green power

The server location Zurich (Metanet) cannot be emphasized enough. This means you are on the Swiss, read: safe side in terms of legal basis and data protection.

Guarantor for fast platforms and websites

Our cloud solution for online platforms.

Hosting Architecture
Docker Hosting Architecture from cloudtec

Our infrastructure is completely virtualized in a virtual data center. We have all resources at our disposal and can scale the infrastructure as high as we want. On top of this are various Linux servers, which are divided into storage, Docker virtualization and security. On top of the already virtualized environment, we provide a Docker Swarm infrastructure, which is managed by us with Portainer. Internal access to the infrastructure and the environment is always logged.

Each customer platform gets its own isolated place in our platform hosting. A customer platform always consists of various containers.

Shared containers are common services that are available to all our platform customers. These are containers that provide auxiliary services. These are, for example, virus scanners, image-text recognition services, search engines, queues, or instances for generating high-quality PDFs. 

We have built our own cloud and are therefore not dependent on third-party providers such as Google, Azure or Amazon AWS. Of course, our cloud does not offer the same range of functions as those of the large providers. However, it does provide the functionality needed to reliably run online platforms.

On-Premise Hosting

We offer on-premise hosting. For this, we install a Docker swarm at the customer's data center and manage it remotely via agents. This way, the customer benefits from the same cloud platform, but has the data stored locally in their environment. Please note that this approach is not cheaper, as managing remote infrastructures carries some overhead, which is offset by the savings on hardware rental.


Our hosting brings the foundation for the scaling concept, thanks to our Docker cloud platform. Scaling of hardware is possible at any time, as it is allocated virtually. The container architecture allows parallel requests to be processed, so peaks can be better broken. We outsource work-intensive processes to sub-containers so that they do not interfere with the main system and can run in the background. Scaling can also be achieved without hardware, e.g. by optimizing the software with caching mechanisms or by using a CDN network upstream.

cloudtec your platform hosting partner

Convince yourself of our software development services and our platform hosting. For us this goes hand-in-hand. A platform from cloudtec is hosted by cloudtec.