The six steps to a sustainable company

How Digital Business Transformation Succeeds

Hardly any other topic occupies companies worldwide as much as the digital transformation and the associated, sometimes radical, adaptation of business models. Many companies are helpless in the face of these rapid developments because they lack the professional or technical expertise for digitization, or they are simply afraid of disruption and change.

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Today's customers expect fast, flawless service that is available 24 hours a day - and they inform themselves comprehensively before they even contact a provider. How can these demands be met and the hurdle into the digital age be overcome? To lead your company securely into the future - customer-focused, with proactive IT and with a future-proof business model, you need above all expertise and a precisely documented strategy.

What does Digital Transformation actually mean?

"Digitization means the development, establishment and operation of electronic value creation processes and their integration into business models." (Source: But what does that mean in concrete terms, what needs to be digitized? Digital transformation is made up of four core skills (source: BDI):

  1. Digitization of data
  2. Networking
  3. Automation
  4. Digital customer access

In other words, in the course of transformation, processes are to be simplified, accelerated, automated, flexibly adaptable and accessible at all times with the help of modern technologies. Intelligent systems help us reach the people worldwide for whom our product or service is relevant.

Where does digitization begin? Who is leading the change?

Digital transformation is a "top-down" issue, which means: it starts at the top of a company. It is up to the top management to place digital development at the center of the corporate strategy and to align all activities with it - because every area and all employees are affected and must be integrated into the transformation process accordingly.

Apart from this, there is still an acute need in the German-speaking world to anchor the digital transformation more firmly in the consciousness of politics and business and to arrange for appropriate government funding. This requires educational work! Experts are called upon to dispel fears and reservations and to focus attention on the opportunities presented by digitization. At present, Europe is far behind the USA and China in terms of digital maturity. It's time to change that!

How Digital Transformation Succeeds - The Six Steps

Step 1: The Corporate Structure

How are you organized? Think about how you want to structure your digital initiative, who will help you, where the development process will take place - and which milestones you want/need to accomplish in which timeframe.

Step 2: Employees

How much digital expertise do you have yourself - and how well-versed are your employees? Take stock of what knowledge you can draw from the resources directly available to you - and what you need to draw from external sources. What skills do you need to learn to achieve your goals? Is your company attractive enough for young "digital natives" who can give your company a boost? What new job profiles are emerging?

Step 3: Processes

Both internal and external structures need to be considered here. To what extent are your processes already digitized and/or automated? Are they flexibly adaptable? What can you not map with your current systems? Which processes are too complicated, or even faulty? The more honest you are in taking stock and contrasting it with your goals, the better the changeover will succeed.

Step 4 : IT capabilities

How does your IT infrastructure currently look, do you form a good basis for the upcoming changes? Check networks, databases, website, social media, and CRM for their future viability. Think of corporate strategy and IT strategy as a unit. The way you collect, evaluate and manage information plays a decisive role in the success of the transformation.

Step 5 : Offers

This brings us to your core product, your core competence, your day-to-day business.
Are your products already digitally supported, can you modify them with new, digital components and increase their benefits? Is there perhaps even an opportunity to expand your offering with a purely digital product?

Step 6 : Service

Customer service has taken on a new significance with digitization. There are many ways to communicate with your customer: website, email, phone/ Skype, live chat, FAQ, online questionnaire, SMS … Which channels can you offer your customer - and which one makes the most sense for you? We recommend a user-friendly, protected login area where the customer gets an overview of all important functions, can take independent actions at any time and is provided with several communication channels. In any case, it should be ensured that the customer can reach you around the clock.

Get competent support!

Statistics show that transformation processes succeed better with experts. Get the know-how that is necessary for your needs from outside. Apart from the technical component, this will also give you valuable, unbiased feedback in terms of all the areas mentioned above. Your courage will be rewarded - guaranteed.