Rough cost estimate for your project

Cost estimate online platform

Our platform configurator helps you select the right technical components, modules and features for you in a simple, clear way. You will receive information about the complexity of the project as well as a rough cost estimate for the implementation - so that you have an overview right from the start.

We give your platform that certain something

Good business ideas often do not come from startups, but from established companies that understand their business and recognize new opportunities in the market. At its core, the scope of a software solution that transforms a business idea and represents a working business model is composed of a cost-benefit analysis. Which functions are most needed and bring the greatest customer value. We know how to extract the essence from the requirements and transform them into a working software solution for your customers.

Developing customized online platforms is our core business.
It's time for a platform - let's do it.

Online platforms that convince


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